Friday, November 10, 2006

You see AGAIN lah!...你看啦!又来了。。。

You see lah! Again... in the reply to a reader on suggestion to implement 'auto-system' in HDB car parks, HDB and URA cited 'Costly' as the reason. So those 'points' in my The Biggest Issue Of Our Society 我们的社会的最大的问题 are 'no point' again... at the same time, in yesterday's news, some people are spending $1M to spray the painting on the drain, which would last only 3-6 months, and they plan to roll it out to other places - too much monies to spent? if you don't channel it to solve the (small) living problems first, you should at least give it to charity. Sometime really don't understand how the priorities are set. How are we going to be 'gracious' if the basic problems are not taken care of, and people are feeling frustrated with the 'small things' here and there in the first place? Whatever effort (and monies you 'throw into the drain' is going to be wasted)... sigh... Why like that one?! we are never going to 'get the problems solved from the bottom'.

你看啦!又来了。。。在回答一个读者的建议(“在停车场使用自动系统“)时,HDB 和 URA 又以“太贵”为由拒绝了。我在 The Biggest Issue Of Our Society 我们的社会的最大的问题 里提到的问题也立刻相对的被否决了。。。与此同时,在昨天的新闻里,有人却花了近一万元在大水沟里作画,而那也只能维持大约三至六个月而已, 他们还打算也推广至其他地方 - 天哪!太多钱没地方花,拿来这样玩? 如果你不愿用它来解决一些生活小问题,至少把它捐给慈善机构吗!真不知道有时候他们是怎样来决定处理问题的先后的:如果人们还在为生活小事而烦恼,你做的再多(丢再多钱进去沟渠里)想建立一个"优雅社会"也是没用的为什么会这样的?! 怎样才能“事半功倍”, 你不懂吗?

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